Tuesday, June 18, 2013



As I said , I will do a little guideline for beginning bloggers... Which no I don't know everything about blogging, but the advantage I do have is: I been taking some free blogging classes at the library just a suggestion (hint, hint)

  1. START. As stated earlier, blogging is best learned by blogging....and by reading other bloggers. So. start ( although I was told not to read other blogs, but I did anyway, so that's your choice)
  2. KNOW YOUR MOTIVATION. Why are you blogging? What do you hope to achieve?
  3. LINK. The heart of blogging linking...linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating-the purpose of the Internet.
  4. EXPERIMENT. Developing a writing style is an evolutionary process. Try different approaches and formats until you find one that fits your message, audience, and personal motivations.
  5. USE LIFE. and your experiences as your "idea generation "file.
  6. GET AN OPINION. Then express it.
  7. EXPRESS YOUR PERSONALITY... let your humor, your perspective on life, and your values shine in your writing.
  8. POST REGULARLY. This is important- readers drop off/lose interest with irregular blogs (syndication and aggregators allow blog readers to stay in touch with infrequently updated blogs-more on that in the section "Extending Blogs")
  9. KEEP WIRTING CLEAR and concise. Avoid jargon... but utilize the unique aspects of the medium (visual, links, sound). Focus on communication (function) before form.
  10. WRITE FOR A REASON, not recognition. Most bloggers have small audiences. Satisfaction is derived from the writing process, not the audience response...
So these are some guidelines to help those who don't know, and my personal reasons for blogging is to help others and it may not be much but my passion is to help if I can. Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your success.... And as usually if you have any comments for me or anyone else please feel free to leave them.

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