Sunday, June 2, 2013

Find out what you need to do to raise those standards Joel Brown talks about

I would like to give Thanks to our Creator for motivational speakers that help us....


What is your environment like for you? If your environment is limiting you from raising your standards then move and change the playing field, whether it be that you decide to move away from negative people in your life, you make more of a conscious decision to avoid negative temptation or you find an arena where you are challenged to achieve your outcome. That means that you surround yourself with people who have a higher standard and are positive, not negative in the way they look at life and challenges that come their way.

 As corny as the quotesWho you spend time with is who you become” and “The power of your network determines your net worth” may sound, they are true and it has been proven by anyone who lives by them. Surround yourself with people who you can grow and learn with, not people who will only drag you down.
Just know that through making the decision of “Raising Your Standards“, you may experience a few side effects:

A requirement of a high level of discipline, a little disappointment here and there, the demand for massive sacrifice and a continued amount of persistence. The benefits may out way the side effects, but you will only truly know this once you have the courage to face this highly rewarding change that is needed to achieve outstanding results.

If you liked this article try visiting Joel website and NO I don't get paid a commission to send people over to his site. I do it for free just because I like it and it helps me in general and I want to help and guide others as well, my blessings will come, I don't worry.. Like little Wayne say " I don't have no worries" (lol)

Please leave your feedback and Thank you like always... And if you guys have any information that I can use or any of my friends can use, please feel free with a smile ;) to share, because sharing is what? CARING! YESS! I care for people that's why I share

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