Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DON'T BOW TO AUTHORITY!!! Chap9 Authority Bias

I would like to give Thanks to our Creator......

  • The first book of the Bible explains what happens when we disobey a great authority: We get ejected from paradise. This is also what less celestial authorities would have us believe-political pundits, scientists, doctors, CEOs, economists, government heads, sports commentators, consultants, and stock market gurus.
  • Authorities pose two main problems to clear thinking, their track records are often sobering(There are about one million trained economists on the planet, and not one of them could accurately predict the timing of the 2008 financial crisis) Seriously?
The story from the medical world is much the same: Up until 1900 it was discernibly wiser for patients to avoid doctor's visits; too often the "treatment" only worsened the illness.
  • Psychologist Stanley Milgram demonstrated the authority bias most clearly in an experiment in 1961. His subjects were instructed to administer ever-increasing electrical shocks to a person sitting on the other side of a pane of glass.
  • Over the past decade, airlines have also learned the dangers of the authority bias
Authorities crave recognition and constantly find ways to reinforce their status. Doctors and researchers sport white coats. Bank directors don suits and ties. Kings wear crowns. Members of the military wield rank badges. Today, even more symbols and props are used to signal expertise: appearances on talk shows and on the covers of magazines, to book tours and Wikipedia entries. Authority changes much like fashion does, and society follow it just a much...
Whenever you are about to make a decision, think about which authority figures might be exerting an influence on your reasoning. And when you encounter one in the flesh, do your best to challenge him or her, because they might not know either...
Thank you again for a great evening and I would love to hear your comments, Jenn

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